The Animal Facilities Inspection Program:
The Animal Facilities Inspection Program regulates companion animal facilities required to be licensed under the provisions of the Kansas Pet Animal Act. The Act requires licensing and inspection of all dog and cat breeders who produce, offer or sell three or more litters during the state fiscal year, pounds and shelters, pet shops, research facilities, distributors, out-of-state distributors, boarding facilities, animal rescues and foster homes. Office staff maintains licenses, health papers and correspondence pertaining to the program. Field inspectors inspect licensed facilities and investigate complaints.
By way of an E.R.O. (Executive Reorganization Order) by Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, the Kansas Animal Health Department will move to the Kansas Department of Agriculture on July 01, 2011.
Do you have questions about the Kansas Animal Health Department and staff, the Kansas Pet Animal Act, how to participate in K.E.E.P. (Kansas Excellence in Education Program), kennel licensing and inspections, laws and regulations, emergency planning and preparedness, forms and applications, or the Kansas Pet Animal Advisory Board?
You may find answers to these topics and much more by going to