Kansas Excellence through Education Program
Three Simple Steps to Participate in KEEP
COMPLETE a brief, "open book" questionnaire, based on information from the Kansas Pet Animal Act, with an 80% or greater proficiency. Please visit www.kansas.gov/kahd for your Questionnaire Form, Points Form, and the Kansas Pet Animal Act. Click HERE to print the KEEP points form.
ATTEND continuing education programs. Although many valuable programs may be at a seminar or meeting, ONLY THOSE PRESENTED BY A LICENSED VETERINARIAN OR THE KANSAS ANIMAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR "KEEP” POINTS AT THIS TIME.
Market Analysis
SEND a program or flier from qualifying educational programs that you attend and a Points Form, Signed by the program speaker or program coordinator to Sharon Munk (contact information below).
KEEP is strictly voluntary and does not reflect on a licensee’s facility, licensing, or inspections. The program encourages education and simply rewards the volunteer with earned recognition for what he or she is already doing ---- attending seminars, meetings, and conventions for educational purposes.
OUR GOAL: To educate all entities of the Kansas Pet Animal Act, resulting in quality care of Kansas pet animals through knowledge and a dedication to excellence.
There are many things in this world we cannot control, but we can make thoughtful decisions and changes that have the potential to impact our lives and businesses in a positive manner. Continuing education improves our skills and elevates our profession. KEEP truly gives those who seek education "Credit where Credit is Due."